AAUW-RWC support for Arise

At yesterday’s branch meeting, we discussed AAUW-RWC’s plan for engagement with the Arise Collective.

Ongoing project: As a branch, we will positively support and impact the teenage children of incarcerated mothers in the Mothers and Their Children(MATCH) program. 

This closely MATCHes with AAUW’s goal of enabling young people to access and complete higher education.

Individual or ‘singular event’ projects: See Arise Volunteer Info, which describes various volunteer opportunities of different commitment levels.  An example is Meal Ministry, a group activity to make or buy meals.

Volunteer form:  Let Arise know your interests and availability by filling out a volunteer form; Arise can suggest volunteer opportunities based on our responses.  Contact Lisa(from AAUW-RWC) or contact Arise directly(outreach@arise-collective.org) for a link to the form.