Brandy Burnett awarded AAUW Community Action Grant

Congratulations to our Brandy Burnett

for securing AAUW’s Community Action Grant for her “Smart Girls Smart Choices, Inc.” Project!


Community Action Grants provide funds to individuals, AAUW branches, and AAUW state organizations as well as local community-based nonprofit organizations for innovative programs or non-degree research projects that promote education and equality for women and girls.

Through Smart Girls Smart Choices, Inc. the goal is to provide girls with the opportunity to participate in workshops specifically designed to spark an interest in math, science, and technology, field trips, guest speakers and interactive contact with innovators to broaden the scope of interest and ambitions.  The balancing influences of meeting and interacting with high achieving women can help girls discover and take seriously their own passions. Goals will be meet through consistent participation in interactive workshops, monthly face to face contact and engagement with   mentors, who will include project staff, AAUW members, workshop presenters, community partners and members of the business and professional sector.

Smart Girls Smart Choices, Inc.  has been selected to receive an AAUW community Action Grant  for the 2016-2017 award year. Founded in 1881, AAUW is one of the world’s largest sources of funding for graduate women, due to the generosity and legacy of generations of AAUW members.  AAUW has chosen to fund this project because of the promise it holds for empowering women and girls. 

SmartGirls College tour