AAUW Raleigh/Wake Branch will lead a study circle on “Bullying” at East Wake Middle School on Tuesday, May 1, 5:30 to 8:00 pm. Branch members, EWMS faculty will serve as facilitators, and members of the student council will serve as recorders. AAUW NC has provided a mini grant for our event.
This project furthers the mission of national AAUW, which has recently published research on the topic of “Bullying” and “Sexual Harassment.” Purpose of the study circle is to bring parents, teachers, and students together for a discussion on where, when, and why bullying occurs and if there is a solution. A follow-up session may be scheduled and results of the study circle will be reported after the event.
Volunteer assistance would be welcome at the East Wake Middle School (near Knightdale) on the evening of the program. If you are free to help with set-up, food service or clean up, please contact Joan Robertson at joanhsrp@aol.com.
As always, we welcome your financial support of our community involvement initiatives.
Terry Wall, Project Manager, AAUW Raleigh/Wake Branch
Nancy Allen, Principal, East Wake Middle School